Sunday, 13 March 2011

Orthopedic Surgeons

Orthopedic Surgeons

Dr. (Major) Abdul Mannan
MBBS, MS (Orth).
Cham: Ayesha Mamorial Clinic, Mohakali,
9122690 (C), 8829971 (R) 018222258 (M)

Dr. A. B. M Fazlur Rahman
Cham: Al-Rajhi Hospital,
12, Farmgate, Dhaka, 8119229,
9117775 (C), 9123000 (R)

Dr. A. F. M Masood
Prof, of Orthopaedic & Paediatric
Surgery, Dhaka Shishu Hospital
Cham: (i) Ibn Sina D. Lab. & Diagnostic
Centre, H-47, Rd-9/A, DRA, 9126625-6 (C),
8111567 (R), 0171521504 (M)
(ii) Central Hospital Ltd. H-2, Rd-5,
Green Road Dhanmondi, Dhaka, 9660015-9 (C)

Dr. A. F. M Ruhul Hoque
Cham: (i) H-17, Rd-28, DRA. 8116969 (R&C)
(ii) 'Wei Care' H-67/A, Rd-4. Block-C,
Banani, 9880224 (C), 019362006 (M)
(iii) Uttara Crescent Clinic (Pvt) Ltd. H-4,
Rd-4, Sector-7, Uttara, 8912744 (C)

Dr. A. K. M Ishaque
MBBS, D-Orth, MS (Orth), AFWPOA.
Cham: (1)22/13, Khiljee Road, Block-B,
Mohammadpur, Dhaka; 8114699 (C)
(ii) Golden Hospital Pvt. Ltd, 9135318, 9134260

Dr. A.M Shamim Ul Haque
MBBS, MS (Orth).
Cham: 243/1, New Circular Road,
Malibag (Near Padma Diagnostic Centre
Ltd), Dhaka; 8316862, 8321982, 9339610 (C), 8318322 (R)

 Dr. Anwar Ahmed
MBBS, D-Orth, MS (Orth)
Cham: (i) South View Hospital, H-31,
Rd-1, Section-10, Mirpur, 8018065, 9005106 (C)
(ii) New Arogya Niketan, 1/6, Pallabi,
Mirpur, 9007701 (C), 0171-527022 (M)

Dr. Kazi Shahidul Alam
D-Orth, MS (Orth).
Cham: H-669/A, Rd-32 (Old),
Dhanmondi, 8122849 (C). 8112282 (R)

Dr. M. Ali
MBBS, MS (Orth), Fellow
Sports Medicine (Singapore).
Cham: 'Knee Centre', Ibn Sina
Consultation Centre, Sankar, 69
Satmasjid Road, DRA, 8127051 (C), 017865528 (M)

Dr. M. Amzad Hossain
MBBS, MS (Orth), AO Fellow (Germany)
Cham: Orthopaedic Care & Research Centre,
2/12, Humayun Road,
Mohammadpur, 9123364 (C), 9113282 (R), 0171530611 (M)

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan
MBBS, D-Orth, MS (Orth), FICS
Cham: Modern Diagnostic Centre Ltd,
H-8, Rd-7, DRA, 8616074, 8613883 (C)

Dr. Md. Abdus Samad Sheik
MBBS, MS (Orth), BCTF (Lon)
Cham: 22/20, Block-B, Khiljee Road,
Mohammadpur, 8116654 (C), 9128460 (R)

Dr. Md. Faruque R. Aload
MBBS, MS (Orth).
Cham: Crescent Gastroliver & General Hospital Ltd,
H-60, Rd-8/A, DRA, Dhaka; 9116851 (C), 9132582, 8118133 (R)

Dr. Md. Hedayet Hossain Khan
MBBS, D-Orth.
Cham: Health Care Centre,
347 Elephant Road, Dhaka, 8615580 (C), 9660675 (R)

 Dr. Md. Idris Ali
MBBS, MCPS (Surgery), MS (Orth); Spinal Surgeon.
Cham: Ibn Slna Consultation Centre,
H-58, Rd-2/A, DRA, 8618007, 8618262 (C), 8116069 (R)

Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain Chowdhmy
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), FRCS (Dublin).
Cham: (i) Islami Bank Central Hospital,
Kakrail. 30, VIP Road, Dhaka, 9355801-2.
9360331-2 (C), 017837106 (M)
(ii) Islami Bank Hospital,
24/B, Outer Circular Road, Motijheel,
9336421-3, 8317090 (C)

Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman
MBBS, MS (Orth), WHO Fellow.
Cham: 12/3, K.M Das Lane. Tikatuly,
9666248, 9553879 (C&R)

Dr. Md. Nurul Absar
Cham: Ibn Sina D. Lab & Consultation
Centre, H-47, Rd-9/A, Satmasjid
Road, 9126625-6, 9128835-7 (C)

Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam
MBBS, MS (Orth)
Cham: Islami Bank Hospital, 24/1,
Outer Circular Road, Motijheel, Dhaka;
9336421-3, 8318715, 8317090 (C), 8110238 (R)

Dr. Md. Shahjahan
MBBS, D-Orth.
Cham: I) Pan Pacific Hospital, 24, Outer
Circular Road, Shajahanpur, Dhaka;
9349794, 9351777 (C), 0171698822 (M).

Dr. Md. Shahjalal (Him)
MBBS, D-Orth.
Cham: I) Shamarita Hospital,
Panthapath, Dhaka; 9131901 (C),
8322265 (R), 0171678519 (M)
II) Pan Pacific Hospital, 24, Outer
Circular Road, Shajahanpur, Dhaka: 9351777 (C)

 Dr. Md. Tqjammel Hossain
MBBS, D-Orth.
Cham: 21-22, Green Super Market,
Green Road, Dhaka, 8115684 (C),
9003527 (R), 0171108110 (M)

Dr. M.K.I Quayum Chowdhury
Cham: Room -115, BIRDEM Hospital,
Shahbagh, 8623354, 9661555, 0171- 535127 (M)

Dr. Monzoor Mustafa Anwar
MBBS, D-Orth, PhD (Orth), MS-Trauma (Eng),
Cham: (i) 'Wei Care
 H-67/A, Rd-4,
Block-C, Banani, 9880224 (C), 019362006 (M)
(ii) Renaissanc Hospital, H-60/A, Rd-
4/A, Dhanmondi, 9664930, 8626899 (C)

Dr. M. S Zaman Shaheen
MBBS, MS (Orth).
Cham: Udayan Poly Clinic, 16-17/1 (Old
280), New Eskaton Road, Dhaka,
9351100-1, 406300-1 (C), 9338339 (R)

Dr. Noor Mohammad
MBBS, D-Orth.
Cham: Al-Rajhi Hospital, 12, Farmgate,
Dhaka, 8119229, 9117775 (C), 8018523 (R), 017673453 (M)

Dr. Probir Kumar Voumic
MBBS, MS (Orth), FICS (America)
Cham: Upasham Health Complex (Pvt)
Ltd, Cha- 107/1, North Badda, 9887597,
8815690 (C), 0171-448177 (M)

Dr. R.R. Kairy
Cham: Al-Manar Medical Services, 2/3,
Block-A, Mirpur Road (Near Asad gate),
9115992, 8122035, 8122036 (C)

Dr. Rafiqul Islam
MBBS, MS (Orth)
Cham: Ibn Sina Consultation Centre,
Sankar, H-69, Satmasjid
Road, Dhanmondi, 8127051 (C), Dr. Salek Talukder
MBBS, MS (Orth), FCPS.
Cham: Baitul Aman, H-843, Ring
Road, Shyamoli, 9112684 (C)

Dr. Shamsuddin Ahmad
Cham: New Al-Raji Hospital, 32 Green
Road DRA, 8611213, 8628820-1 (C) 8913192 (R)

Dr. Shirajul Islam
MBBS, MS (Orth).
Cham: 20, Green Super Market, Green
Road, Dhaka, 329845 (C), 9116311 (R), 017539052 (M)

Dr. SK. Nurul Alam
Cham: Shapla Clinic, 25/16 Khiljee
Road, Shamoli, Dhaka; 8118649(C),
8113374 (R), 019351261 (M)

Dr. S. M Amir Hossain
MBBS, MCPS, MS (Orth).
Cham: Al-Markazul Islami Hospital, H-
29, Rd-3, Shaymoli, Dhaka; 9129426,
9129217 (C), 017542064 (M)

Dr. S. M Idris Ali
MBBS, MS (Orth).
Cham: Medicom Medical Services, 20/4,
BabarRoad, Mohammadpur. 8126019 (C)

Dr. Syed Anwaruzzaman
MBBS, MS (Orth).
Cham: Al-Rajhi Hospital, 12, Farmgate, Dhaka,
8119229, 9117775 (C)

Dr. (Brig. Gen) Syed Fazle Rahim
Cham: (i) Wei Care' H-67/A, Rd-4,
Block-C, Banani, 9880224 (C), 019362006 (M)
(ii) Comfort Hospital, 167, Green Road,
Dhanmondi, 8124990-Ext- 107

 Dr. Tariqul Alam Chowdhury
MBBS, D-Orth, MS (Orth), FPHM (London).
Cham: Shamoli Orthopaedic Hospital,
3/KA, P.C. Culture Housing Society,
Ring Road, Shamoli, Dhaka; 9121832(C),
8111736 (R), 018215844 (M)


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