Sunday, 13 March 2011

Hospitals & Clinics

Hospitals & Institutions

Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)
8614545-9, 8614001-9

Bangladesh Medical College & Hospital
Rd-14/A, Dhanmondi, R/A, 8115843,
9120792-3, 9118202

Bangladesh Institute for Research
and Rehabilitation in Diabetes,
Endocrine and Metabolic diseases
Kazi Nazrul Islam Road, Shahbag,
8616641-5, 9661551-9

City Dental College & Hospital
1085/1, Malibagh Chowdhurypara,
Dhaka; 9341662-4

Dhaka Lion's Eye Hospital
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka;
8110894, 9129127

Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Fuller Road, Ramna, Dhaka; 9663429,

Dhaka National Medical College & Hospital
Fuller Road, Ramna, Dhaka; 7117300

Dhaka Shishu Hospital,

Holy Family Red Crescent Medical
College & Hospital
Eskaton Garden Road, 8311721-5,

Institute of Child Health & Shishu Hospital
6/2, Barabag, Mirpur-2 Dhaka; 8014896,

International Centre for Diarrhea Disease Research (ICDDR)
Mohakhali, 8811751-5, 8811751-5

Islamia Eye Hospital
Farmgate, 9119315, 8112856

National Institute of Cardiovascular
Disease (NICVD)

National Institute of Ophthalmology
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka; 8114807

National Institute of Preventive &
Social Medicine (NIPSOM)
Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, 8821236

Rehabilitation Institute and Hospital
for Disabled (RIHD)
(Pongu Hospital)

Sarkari Karmajibi Hospital
Old Railway Hospital Building,
9668017, 9558017

Sir Salimullah Medical College &
Hospital (SSMCH)
7319002-5, 7312398, 7117404
Trust Adhunik Hospital
Zoo Road Mirpur, 8012600

World Health Organization (WHO)
H-12, Rd-7, Dhanmondi, 8614655

Z.H Sikder Womens Medical College,
8115951, 8113313, 8125108, 9133355

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