Sunday, 13 March 2011

Diagnostic centers

Pathological Laboratories

Ahmed Diagnostic Clinic
33, Circular Rd, Siddeswari, Dhaka,

Allergy Centre
4-5, Green Super Market (2nd Floor),
Green Road, Dhaka; 8122074

Al-Rajhi Hospital Pathology
12 Farm Gate, 819229, 8119229,

Belle Vue Diagnostic Centre
187, North Shahjahanpur Dhaka,

Capital Diagnostic Complex Ltd.
161/1, Hatirpool, Dhaka; 8616057

Clinicon Diagnostic
34/1, Sonargaon
Road, Hatirpul, Dhaka, 8612669

Comfort Diagnostic Centre
167/B, Green Road, DRA, Dhaka,
8124990, 8124380, 8127394

Compath Limited
173, Elephant Road, Hatirpool, 8617833,
8617844, 8625675

Confident Diagnostic Centre
217, Outer Circular Road, Moghbazar,
Dhaka; 9339264

Crescent Diagnostic & Blood Centre
Al-Haj Super Market, I/A, Sobhanbagh,
Mirpur Road, Dhaka; 8117356

Delta Medical Centre
H-20, Rd-4, DRA, 8617142-3
 Dhaka Health Care Ltd.
2/2, Mirpur Road, Black-A, Lalmatia,
Dhaka; 8117571, 9137214.

Diacom Diagnostic Centre Ltd.
44, Sonargaon Road (1st Floor),
Hatirpool, 9660966, 8619251

Dipham Research & Service Centre
H-57, Rd-16, DRA, 817772-3, 9125811

Doctors Diagnostic Centre Ltd,
Rd-7, DRA, 9123060, 8115300

Green View Clinic
Tarokalok Complex, 25/3, Green Road,
Dhanmondi, Dhaka; 8610313, 9661410

Health Profile Ltd.
H-2, Rd-13, DRA, Dhaka; 8129684,

Ibn Sina Imaging Centre
House No- 58, Rd-2/A Satmasjid Road,
DRA, 8618262, 8618007

Ibn Sina D. Laboratory & consultation Centre
H-47, Rd-9/A, Satmasjid
Road, Dhanmondi 9126625-6, 9128836-7 (C)

Insaf Diagnostic & Consultation Centre
129 New Eskaton Road, Dhaka; 9350884.
9351164, 9337521, 017174630 (M)

Kalyani Diagnostic Centre
346, New Elephant Road, 8613975,

Lab-Aid Ltd.
H-l, Rd-4, Dhanmondi, Dhaka;
8610793-8, 508969

Lab Science Diagnostic Centre
14/2, Sonargong Road Hatirpul, Dhaka,
8626281, 0171487258 (M)
 Life Diagnostic Centre
35/C, Naya Paltan, VIP Road, Dhaka;
9333704, 9342169
Medinova Medical Services
Medinova, H-71, Rd-5/A, DRA,
8620353-5, 8624907-10, 8618583

Mina Laboratory
98, New Elephant Road, 8612185,
8627442,  8629975.

Modern Diagnostic Centre Ltd.
I) 194/2 Fakirapool, 414372, 9342169
II) H-8,  Rd-7,  Dhanmondi, 8616074,

Module Diagnostic
l/G/3, Paribag, Dhaka, 8610512,

Muhammadia Medical Services Ltd.
5, Outer Circular Road, JR Tower,
Rajarbagh, Dhaka; 9341526, 8311870

New Era Hospital & Diagnostic Ltd
1, Momenbagh, Rajarbagh, Dhaka;
9339204, 9346001

North South Medical Centre
161/1, Sonargaon Road, Hatirpool,
Dhaka; 8616057, 018239268 (M)

Nova Medical Centre
H-107, Block-E, Rd-13, Banani, 8827264

Padma Diagnostic Centre Ltd.
245/2, New Circular Road, Malibagh,
Dhaka, 8316862, 8321982,

Pathonova Diagnostic Centre
116, New Circular Road, Siddeswari,

Popular Diagnostic Centre
H-l I/A, Rd-2, Dhanmondi, 9661491-3,
Reliance Medical Services Ltd
50, Mohakhali, T.B Gate, Dhaka;
9887366, 9887469

Rontgen-X-Ray Clinic
6-7, Green Super Market, Green Road,
Dhaka; 9113768

Shandhani Diagnostic Complex
Green Super Market, Dhaka, 9126670,

Specialised Centre
H-10, Rd-19/A, Banani, Dhaka, 8828650


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